Water Bead Garden Take-Home Kit

Mitchell Community Public Library 804 Main Street, Mitchell, Indiana, United States

Observe how wheatgrass seeds can sprout using water beads with this fun take-home kit! Recommended for ages 5 and up.  Available while supplies last.

Camp Friendship

Mitchell Community Public Library 804 Main Street, Mitchell, Indiana, United States

Join us for a fun afternoon of activities, including making friendship jewelry and trail mix. Ages 5-18. Room A & B.

Dino Garden for Kids

Mitchell Community Public Library 804 Main Street, Mitchell, Indiana, United States

Create your own miniature garden and decorate it with dinosaurs. Registration required, please call the library at 812-849-2412 to sign up.  The program will be geared for ages 5-11.

Wonderful Watercolor Take-Home Kit

Mitchell Community Public Library 804 Main Street, Mitchell, Indiana, United States

Spread kindness with this kit that includes all the supplies needed to create a card using watercolor paints. Also included are stickers with encouraging messages to decorate your cards. Sponsored by the Mitchell-Grissom Kiwanis Club. Available while supplies last. Recommended for ages 5 and up.