Our Services
Books, Movies, and More
Books, Magazines, Audio Books, and Educational DVDs may be checked out from the library for 21 days.
Entertainment DVDs and Video Games may be checked out from the library for 7 days.
Downloadable Media such as ebooks, digital music and audiobooks will have different loan periods.
In most cases, a maximum of 100 items may be checked out simultaneously on an Evergreen Indiana library card. There is a maximum limit of 10 DVDs, 10 videos, 6 art and 1 gaming software items per Evergreen Indiana library card. Borrowing limits are calculated at the consortium level and not at the library level.
A patron’s access to materials may be limited due to overdue materials or fines and fees. A patron’s card will be blocked, and no circulation services may be obtained with it if the patron has 15 or more overdue items, or owes $10 or more in unpaid fines and/or fees.
To encourage the prompt return of materials, the Evergreen Indiana libraries have established a schedule of fines and fees as an encouragement for the timely return of materials by their due dates. Overdue materials incur fines of 25¢ per day per item with a $10.00 fine cap per item.
Evergreen Indiana library fines and fees may be paid at any Evergreen library. Patrons may pay all or a portion of overdue fines. A patron’s record will remain blocked or barred until the fines and fees are paid or the patron has resolved the matter with the particular library to restore his or her privileges. A patron may be (or remain) “blocked” if related group or family member cards are “blocked.”
Patrons may have 20 unfilled holds in the system.
Interlibrary Loan
As an Evergreen Indiana library, our patrons have access to over 125 library collections. If you are looking for something that isn’t in our collection, you can request the material through the Evergreen catalog. Library staff will also be happy to help you locate an item and place it on hold.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for in the catalog? Fill out the Materials Request form and we will do our best to get it for you!
Computer and Printing Access
Free WiFi: Connect to our free high-speed wi-fi from your own device anywhere in the building or the parking lot. We also have plenty of seating options and outlets available for use.
Public Computers: Computers are available for adults, children, and teens. You can log in with your Evergreen library card or ask staff for a guest pass. The option to print is available at all public computers. AWE early learning stations are available for children 8 and under in the children’s department.
Printing: Printing is available from our public computers. A copy machine is also available that prints only in black and white.
Black and white prints: $0.10 per page
Color prints: $0.50 per page Courtesy faxing service is also available at no cost, limit of 25 pages per fax.
Stay up to date with new additions to the library collection (excludes digital content).
Evergreen Indiana
The Mitchell Community Public Library is part of Evergreen Indiana. This is a group of over 125 libraries who share the same circulation system and materials.
If you are a resident of a library district served by Evergreen Indiana or have purchased a non-resident library card from an Evergreen Indiana library just use your card to access our collection and the collections of all the other Evergreen Indiana Libraries.
Materials from other Evergreen Indiana libraries are delivered to Mitchell on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, excluding holidays.
Inter-Library Loan service is provided by your home library only.
Get Your Library card
Your First Card Is Free!
Any resident or property owner in Marion, Bono, or Spice Valley (S) townships in Lawrence county, IN, is eligible for a Mitchell Community Public Library Card. If you do not reside in the Mitchell Community Public Library service district please speak to an employee about library card solutions that fit your situation.
Your first card is free, but there is a $2 fee for a replacement card.
You must apply for your card in person at the library. Children under the age of 18 must have their parent or legal guardian with them to apply for a library card.
To apply, please bring the following: …
- One form of Photo ID:
- Valid state driver’s license or ID card
- Valid Government issued ID
- Valid college or university ID
- One of the following as Proof of Address:
- Valid voter registration card
- Computer generated bank statement or government notification issued in applicant’s name within last 30 days
- Computer generated utility, credit card company, doctor or hospital bill, issued in applicant’s name within last 30 days
- Change-of-address confirmation from the United States Postal Service showing prior and current address of residence (A P.O. Box is not acceptable as a residence address)
- Property tax receipt issued in applicant’s name (from current tax year)
- Any postmarked piece of mail (addressed to you) that has been sent within the last 30 days